How Can a Dermatologist Help With Acne?

Chances are you've developed a pesky pimple at some point in your lifetime. But if you have chronic acne, a skin condition in which your hair follicles become clogged with dead skin cells and oil, it can cause emotional distress, hyperpigmentation scars, and pus-filled painful bumps tender to the touch. Acne often appears on the face, but its frequently found on the upper back, shoulders, and chest. Dr. John Randall and provider team of Randall Dermatology in West Lafayette, Kokomo, Frankfort, Rensselaer, Terre Haute, Westfield, Monticello, Winamac, Williamsport, and Zionsville, IN help you avoid complications from acne, by possibly identifying the cause (stress, anxiety, depression, hormones), performing a skin evaluation, and creating a personalized regimen to help you decrease or eliminate symptoms.

How Can a Dermatologist Help With Acne?

The goal of treatment for acne is to prevent future breakouts and scarring. Your Randall Dermatology provider will thoroughly evaluate your skin during your initial consultation and take a few factors into consideration before customizing your treatment plan. They may inquire about your acne type (whiteheads, blackheads, cysts), where the acne appears most, medications that have or haven't worked when your breakouts began, and the severity of discoloration after the acne has healed. Your Randall Dermatology provider treats acne based on the type and severity, but common methods include retinoids, antibiotics, or prescription-strength topicals such as Benzoyl peroxide, retinoid, or salicylic acid.

You don't have to have severe acne to benefit from seeing a dermatologist. Dr. John Randall and provider team at Randall Dermatology & Medspa may recommend treatment based on your specific case. These may include administering a corticosteroid injection directly into the acne lesions to reduce inflammation and accelerate healing or hormonal therapy should your acne result from a hormone imbalance. They'll then suggest a customized treatment plan based on your skin type (oily, dry, combined), the intensity of your acne, and the evolution of your scars. For more information about acne in West Lafayette and Kokomo, IN, or to schedule an appointment at one of our many office locations, visit our website. Call (765) 463-6722 to reach the office in West Lafayette and (765) 452-8602 for Kokomo.

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